Aleem Ramji, deceased

On Sept. 3, 2020, two sisters, Raabia K. Basaria, 22, and Zeanna K. Basaria, 16, were washed from a pier into Lake Huron off of Kincardine, Ontario, and struggled in 8 feet of water amid treacherous conditions including large waves and strong rip currents. A cousin in their party, 38-year-old teacher Aleem Ramji of Toronto, entered the water from the pier and swam to them. Another member of their party spotted Ramji holding onto Basaria and Zeanna, before a wave separated the three of them. Ramji lost consciousness. Others used a life ring and rope to assist Basaria and Zeanna from the water. Ramji was carried toward a beach, where he was removed from the water. He could not be revived, he had drowned.