Brady M. Pratt

A violent head-on collision in Petronila, Texas, left an SUV and sedan burning in a field off of the highway on Dec. 20, 2020. Brady M. Pratt, a 35-year-old off-duty border patrol agent of McAllen, Texas, was driving nearby and responded to the accident, where he was told two children remained inside the SUV. Despite flames issuing from the engine and heavy smoke inside the car, Pratt entered the car through the broken-out rear windshield. One of the girls, 8, told Pratt to first remove the younger girl, 1. With difficulty, Pratt reached into the backseat area and unlatched the girl’s car seat harness, lifted her out of her seat, and backed toward the rear windshield, handing the girl to a woman outside the car. Pratt then returned for the 8-year-old, but realizing that a leg injury she suffered in the accident would make it difficult to remove her in the same manner, he left the SUV and went to her window. A man there broke the window with a golf club. Pratt pulled the remaining glass from the door frame, then partially entered the car, grasped the girl under her arms and removed her to safety. Pratt then climbed on the SUV’s roof and reached through the broken-out sunroof to check the pulses of the driver and a front passenger. Determining that they had died in the accident, Pratt retreated to safety. The 8-year-old suffered a broken leg. Pratt and the girls were not burned.