Numismatist and medal collector Matthew Campbell of Washington, Pa., has taken his award-winning exhibit about the Carnegie Medal on the road – first to the Central States Numismatic Society’s 78th annual convention in Chicago earlier this year and then to the American Numismatic Association’s World’s Fair of Money held Aug. 1-5, 2017, in Denver.
The exhibit won two awards in Chicago – second place in the medals category and the Joseph and Morton Stack award for best exhibit by a first time exhibitor. The national Denver award winners had not been announced by press time.
The exhibit features two Carnegie Medals that Campbell, a member of the Pennsylvania Association of Numismatists, purchased from eBay auctions. One, a silver medal awarded to Ivah J. Coles in 1908 and the other, a bronze medal awarded to Platt D. Andrews in 1933. It also features one of the 500 centennial commemorative medallions produced in 2004 for the Commission’s 100th anniversary.
Campbell was the driving force behind a memorial event held last August honoring Coles and other Macoupin County, Illinois, Carnegie Medal recipients.
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