Carnegie Medal for Heroism presentation to the family of Anthony Diehl

Family members of Carnegie Hero Anthony Diehl gathered to receive his Carnegie Medal at a presentation held at a Jan. 8 city council meeting in Beavercreek, Ohio. Pictured, from left, are Diehl’s sister, Amanda Diehl; his partner, Laura Steele holding their daughter Alexia Diehl; sister Brittany Diehl, and mother Teresa Diehl behind Diehl’s stepson, Robert Steele. Daughter Athena Diehl is holding her father’s award standing next to Diehl’s stepdaughter, Sophia Steele, who is in front of Diehl’s brother-in-law Andrew Britt, the father of the boy who Diehl attepted to save. On the far right is Beavercreek Mayor Don Adams.

Anthony Diehl was posthumously awarded the Carnegie Medal for attempting to save his nephew from drowning in South Haven, Michigan. On July 13, 2022, Diehl’s 7-year-old nephew was using a bodyboard in shallow water while out on Lake Michigan with other children in his family when the waves became stronger. There were no lifeguards on the beach, and the boy reached a point farther from shore than the other children. Diehl was on the shoreline with other adult relatives and immediately waded out into the water. He swam out to his nephew but the two of them were soon separated and their family lost sight of them. Diehl’s nephew was washed to shore by the rough current and despite attempts to revive him, drowned. Diehl was found the next day after deteriorating water conditions prevented rescue operations that night. He, too, had drowned.

Beavercreek Mayor Don Adams presented the award to the family. Steele accepted the award on his behalf, along with their children and his nephew’s father.

“This medal symbolizes not only Anthony’s bravery, but also the enduring impact of his sacrifice on our community. May his legacy inspire us to live with the same courage, selflessness, and love that defined his final moments,” Adams said.

Diehl’s stepson, Robert, spoke to a roomful of people in the Beavercreek City Council chambers.

“It’s not the award I care about. It’s the fact that I had such an awesome father figure,” he said.