Carnegie Medal presentation to Paul W. Bandy, Aimee Johns, and Heath Braddock

At a Pacific Grove, California, Carnegie Medal presentation held June 25, heroes Paul W. Bandy, Aimee Johns, and Heath Braddock, right, display the Carnegie Medal while flanking Stephen F. Bruemmer, the man they rescued from an attacking shark one year earlier. The presentation was held at Lover’s Point which overlooks the rescue scene.

Pacific Grove Police Chief Cathy Madalone and Mayor Bill Peake presented the Carnegie Medal to the three rescuers at the outdoor ceremony. Bruemmer also thanked his rescuers.

“I am Steve Bruemmer. I am that unfortunate fellow who while swimming just 150 yards off shore right there was bitten by a 15-foot, 2,000-pound Great White Shark which left me for dead to be rescued by the heroes, Aimee, Paul, and Heath,” he said while pointing to the ocean behind him.

The shark lacerated Bruemmer’s upper left arm, upper legs, and lower torso. Bleeding profusely, Bruemmer, who at the time was 62, called for help. Bandy, 42, and his wife, Johns, 49, were paddle boarding nearby and paddled toward the scene, while Braddock, 43, who was on the beach, grabbed two stackable surfboards and also responded. 

Once all three rescuers reached Bruemmer, Bandy and Braddock moved him to one of the surfboards. Braddock then paddled toward shore towing the man, who grasped Braddock’s ankle as Johns grasped the back of the board and helped propel the unit along by paddling with her feet. Bandy followed the trio via his paddle board and called 911 en route. 

Bandy told KION reporters that it was an honor to be recognized.

“The most blessed part of this entire day is to see Steve doing so well,” he said.