Carnegie Medal presentation to Louis Marano and Thomas W. Brown

Carnegie Hero Fund Case Investigator Susan M. Rizza and President Eric P. Zahren, center, traveled to King of Prussia, Pa., in August 2018 to present the Carnegie Medal to, from left,  Louis Marano and Thomas W. Brown who saved two men from drowning in North Wildwood, N.J., two years earlier. Marano and Brown, both of Philadelphia, were on an Atlantic Ocean beach when they became aware that two men in their 20s were struggling to stay afloat. Despite diminished visibility and large waves, Marano and Brown retrieved boogie boards, entered the water and paddled and kicked to the young men, who were approximately 400 feet from shore. Marano grasped the arm of one of the men, who was bobbing up and down in the water, and told him to climb on his back. Marano held the board and started to kick toward shore. Brown had the other man hold to his boogie board. With difficulty in the waves and current, Marano and Brown moved toward shore with the men. “Your case was a little unique, I think, in that you never got that word of thanks from the people you rescued for whatever reason,” Zahren said during the presentation. “But whether or not you are thanked by the people you rescue, the Hero Fund is here to not only recognize you but thank you for what you did. You saved lives that day.”

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