An 8-year-old boy fell unconscious to the ground, his body smoking, after being electrocuted on Aug. 30, 2022, by a live wire that had been downed above a residential street in Warren, Michigan. The power line was hanging hazardously low about 5 feet above the street when the boy, his friend, and older brother came upon the scene. Despite yellow caution tape around the area, the boys approached the wire, and the 8-year-old grabbed onto it with both hands. Police officers Daniel Rose, 43, of Sterling Heights, Michigan, and David Chapman, 35, from Detroit, were nearby when they heard the call come across their radios; they both went to the scene, where the boy lay under the live line. Rose went to his hands and knees and crawled beneath the power line. He grasped the boy’s left ankle as Chapman crouched under the power line and grabbed the boy’s other ankle. The two officers pulled the boy about 10 feet away from the power line. Rose felt an electrical charge in his arm and Chapman felt his hand burning. They released the boy but returned to render additional first aid. When the boy regained consciousness, Rose, Chapman, and another officer carried the boy to a police car and took him to a nearby hospital. The boy sustained serious injuries, including burns on both hands. Rose was examined at the hospital and had numbness in his right arm from the electrical shock for a few hours. He recovered. Chapman was examined at the hospital but did not require treatment.