Carnegie Hero Garry Brem, 91, died on Monday, May 6, 2024.
Brem was born to George and Sarah (Heilmann) Brem on July 13, 1932, in Gilroy, California.
A U.S. Army veteran, Brem operated Brem’s Trucking and Brem’s Gravel and Sand in Gilroy from the mid-1960s until retirement. His hobbies were aviation, snow skiing, and hunting with his father. After retirement, Brem and his wife, Carol, would travel the air show circuit due to their passion for military aviation.
Brem was awarded the Carnegie Medal after he saved two 9-year-old boys from drowning in Gilroy on Jan. 25, 1969. While the two boys waded into a creek which had overflowed a nearby roadway, the current swept them into deeper water. Although the boys were initially able to hold onto a bush that extended above the water, one of the boys was carried downstream. Brem ran along the bank in pursuit of him. Overtaking him, he removed his shoes and entered the cold, muddy water. Wading and swimming from the bank, Brem intercepted the boy in 12 feet of water; he towed him to the bank. Just as he ran up the bank to the other boy, the bush pulled out and the boy was carried downstream. Brem again ran along the bank and removed his jacket after it impeded his ability to swim. He again waded and swam to the boy who submerged intermittently. Brem reached the boy and began to tow him, but his legs became cramped. Another man met them when they reached wadable water and took the boy to the bank. Brem was nearly exhausted after he waded from the water.
Brem is survived by his wife, Carol, along with a niece and two nephews. He is preceded in death by his only sibling George “Steve” Brem.