Raymond F. Gooch, 93, of Evansville, Ind., died Sept. 16, 2015. In 1941, he was awarded the Carnegie Medal for helping to save three friends from drowning in the Ohio River at Cypress, Ind., on Nov. 3, 1940. Gooch, then 18, was one of five young men in a rowboat that capsized about 1,300 feet from the bank. After they had been in the water for an hour and drifted a mile downstream, Gooch swam to the bank and walked and ran a half-mile to alert help. Launching a leaky rowboat, he and another man paddled and bailed water as they made their way to the remaining victims. They took them aboard and returned to the bank. One of the young men drowned, and Gooch, suffering from exposure, was exhausted. He went on to serve as a paratrooper during World War II and then had a long career at Evansville Sheet Metal.