Fifth-grade teacher Reed Chambers of Colter Elementary School, Jackson, Wyo., gave a presentation of the Hero Fund to about 200 fourth-graders in April 2016. The students were starting a study unit on heroes that was to culminate in a mock wax museum in the school’s gymnasium. Each student was asked to choose someone in history considered to be a hero and then research that person using digital and informational literacy skills. Chambers’s presentation included an overview of the Hero Fund, a viewing of its centennial video, Heroes Among Us, and a grade-wide discussion of the definition of a hero.
The presentation was a success: From Ronnie Bernard, fourth-grade teacher: “Thank you for helping support the students in this unit! The presentation really helped the students to think about their definition of a hero. My class had a powerful discussion when we got back to the classroom, as well as a lot of positive feedback for you! Many of them want to read the (centennial) book!” From Lindsay Watsabaugh, another fourth-grade teacher: “My kiddos were fascinated by the stories.” From Nico Yeomans, a fourth-grade student: “I learned about what heroes could be and other people’s definition of a hero. I remember the story about the kid who went into a well when the little baby fell in, and I wondered if I would ever do something like that. If I were to be a hero one day I would have to be brave, encouraging, and trustworthy.”

Meanwhile, Dep. John P. Williams of the La Crosse (Wis.) Sheriff’s Dept., a 2012 Carnegie Medal awardee, was a career-day speaker at Bangor (Wis.) High and Middle Schools this spring. He and an associate talked about a wide range of topics, including how they picked a career in law enforcement and what the Carnegie Medal is. “It was an overall hit,” Williams said, “and we were asked to come back next year.”
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