Albert T. Moroni rescued Deborah A. Quinn from burning, Nyack, New York, May 31, 1989. Mrs. Quinn, 30, was the driver of a car that caught fire and came to rest atop a concrete barrier in an eight-vehicle accident on the Tappan Zee Bridge at night. Another motorist, Moroni, 37, parks and recreation deputy commissioner, saw the accident and ran to the scene. He climbed atop the barrier and twice extended his upper body through the shattered window of the passenger door in attempts to reach Mrs. Quinn. Grasping Mrs. Quinn, who was aflame, Moroni pulled her through the window and lowered her to the pavement, then rolled her on the pavement to extinguish her flames. Moments later, Mrs. Quinn’s car and two other vehicles involved in teh accident were engulfed in flame. Mrs. Quinn was hospitalized for third-degree burns, and Moroni required hospital treatment for first-and second-degree burns to his right hand, from which he recovered.
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