Alec Christian Larson rescued Jessica Tucker and her infant, Jordan Tucker, from a burning vehicle, Glenwood Springs, Colorado, April 11, 2024. After a high-speed head-on crash, Jessica Tucker, 30, and her infant son, Jordan, 6 months, remained in their sport utility vehicle as flames ignited under the engine compartment from gas spilled on the roadway. Tucker had been badly injured and her son, unhurt, remained strapped in his car seat. Driving up on the wreck on his way to work, Larson, 27, carpet cleaner, stopped his work van, grabbed a pair of scissors and ran to the scene. He opened the driver’s side door and helped Tucker, who had suffered multiple broken bones and other injuries, out of the vehicle. She yelled that her baby was still in the vehicle. As bystanders moved her away to safety, the flames grew in intensity under the engine and the vehicle caught fire. Larson tried to open the passenger door but could not. He then ran around to the back of the vehicle, opened the hatch and saw the baby in a rear-facing child seat. He climbed inside the trunk area but was unable to unbuckle the car seat buckle, so he cut the strap with his scissors, grabbed the baby and pulled him out to safety. He handed the baby to bystanders who carried him away from the burning wreck. About 10 seconds later, fire engulfed the vehicle. The baby and Larson were not injured.
2024-0000120-10478Alec Christian Larson
Rifle, CO