Amari Quarles died attempting to rescue Elijah J. Sashe from drowning, Sacramento, California, June 4, 2023. While playing at a beach with his family, Elijah, 13, was attempting to retrieve a football that landed in the Sacramento River when he stepped off the bank, fell into the water, and was taken farther out by a strong current. His brother, Amari, 15, high school student, saw Elijah struggling in the water about 90 feet from the bank. Amari entered the cold water and swam to Elijah as the current pulled Elijah even farther away. Reaching Elijah about 180 feet from the bank, Amari positioned himself behind Elijah and pushed him to keep him out of a nearby eddy current. The boys’ father and stepmother also entered the river, but the father, struggling in the strong current, swam back to the bank and exited to safety. The stepmother reached Elijah and held onto him. When she saw Amari struggling about 20 feet away, she released Elijah, told him to float, then swam to Amari, after which they were both were pulled into the eddy. Amari submerged and did not resurface. About then, a boater responded, creating a wave that briefly submerged the stepmother. She then resurfaced at a point outside of the eddy. The boater aided Elijah onto the boat, and the stepmother also reached the boat and was assisted aboard. Both were taken back to the river bank, uninjured. Police divers found Amari’s body not far from where he was last seen; he had drowned.
10482-External Articles
- Teen who died trying to save brother from drowning in Sacramento River honored with Carnegie Medal
- 15-year-old who drowned while saving younger brother from river is honored after his death
- Sacramento teen who died while trying to save brother to receive heroism medal
- Teen who drowned rescuing brother honored with prestigious Carnegie Hero Fund Medal
- Sacramento teen who drowned while trying to rescue brother honored with Carnegie Medal