Anita Bowden Brown saved a boy from being struck by a truck, Eufaula, Alabama, October 11, 2001. A small boy, about 2, walked onto a four-lane federal highway near his home and stood in the outside lane. Ms. Brown, 34, administrative assistant, was a passenger in a van that was approaching the scene in that lane. Seeing the boy, the driver of the van pulled onto the highway shoulder and stopped at a point opposite him. Ms. Brown immediately left the van, ran around the front of it, and entered the highway as fast-moving vehicles, including a tractor-trailer, approached. She ran to the boy and picked him up, then returned to the shoulder. Seeing the situation ahead of him as he approached in that lane, the driver of the tractor-trailer took his vehicle toward the inside lane, passing the scene within seconds of the rescue. That vehicle and two others were involved in minor collisions at the scene and came to rest at points just opposite and ahead of the van that Ms. Brown had been in. No one was seriously injured.
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