Attilio Pallygus saved Thomas J., Martin L., and Martin F. O’Hara from suffocation, Dunbar, Pennsylvania, May 6, 1926. While Martin F. O’Hara, 61, coal operator, and his two sons were working in an abandoned entry of a mine, Martin L., 21, hoisting engineer, was overcome by gas. Thomas, 22, hoisting engineer, left the mine to get help. Pallygus, 27, automobile repairer, who had had no experience in mines, and Thomas went 250 feet into the mine and found both men overcome. As Pallygus and Thomas tried to lift Martin L., Thomas was affected by gas and fell to his knees. Pallygus helped him 100 feet to the main entry in which the air was good. They returned and again tried to lift Martin L., but Thomas fell, and Pallygus dragged him to the good air again. Then Pallygus alone returned to Martin L. and dragged him 50 feet, went to the main entry again for a moment, and returned and dragged Martin L. to the main entry. Another man helped him carry Martin L. out of the mine. Pallygus returned alone and dragged Martin F. a few feet. He then went out for aid, but no one would help him. He returned to Martin F. and made two futile efforts to move him. He then went to the entrance of the mine and called for help, and an experienced miner and his son volunteered and helped him carry Martin F. out of the mine. Martin L. and Martin F. were revived. Thomas had been only dazed. Pallygus had been in and out of the gaseous area a total of 30 minutes but was affected only by weakness. 26356-2105
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