Brentwood O. Parker helped to rescue Edith D. Bass from burning, Whiteville, North Carolina, April 9, 1996. Ms. Bass, 55, was trapped in the driver’s seat of her sport utility vehicle after the vehicle left the highway and struck a tree, then caught fire. Having witnessed the accident, Parker, 34, correction officer, responded to the scene. As wreckage precluded access to Ms. Bass through any of the vehicle’s doors, Parker climbed onto its roof and, with flames growing inside the vehicle, removed and discarded the sunroof. He then reached inside the vehicle and loosened Ms. Bass’s seat belt. Another man arrived and joined Parker atop the burning vehicle for the removal of Ms. Bass through the sunroof opening. Ms. Bass, who was aflame, was then lowered to the ground, where the flames on her body were extinguished. The vehicle was shortly engulfed by flame. Ms. Bass required extensive hospitalization for severe burns and other injuries. Parker recovered from a bruised hand and a minor burn to his leg.
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