C. Francis Harrington died attempting to save I. Emmet Murphy from drowning, Butte, Montana, August 8, 1920. Murphy, 18, miner, and a companion fell from a raft into Basin Creek Reservoir about 30 feet from the bank, where the water was seven feet deep. They struggled together and then separated. Francis, 17, office boy, waded from the bank and swam about 18 feet to Murphy, who was five feet from his companion. As he tried to take hold of Murphy, the latter struggled with him, causing them to be submerged two or three times. They then separated and swam toward the bank, Murphy ahead of Francis. A branch was extended to Murphy by women on the bank, and he grasped it and was drawn to the bank. The women extended the branch toward Francis, but he failed to reach it and was drowned. 21082-1754
21082 – 1754