Claude Ancel Walker IV saved John A. Crabtree from burning, Roseville, California, December 3, 2007. Crabtree, 51, was driving a tank truck on an interstate highway when the vehicle left the highway, overturned, and came to rest extending down an embankment. Crabtree remained in the driver’s seat as flames broke out in the truck’s engine compartment and issued from its exposed underside. Traveling on the same highway, Walker, 33, carpenter, arrived at the scene to find that the truck was occupied. He approached its front end and, after clearing the remaining glass from its windshield, extended his upper body through the windshield opening and into the cab. Grasping Crabtree about the arms, Walker pulled on him to free him from behind the steering wheel. He then stepped from the cab, pulling Crabtree through the windshield opening, and helped to drag him to safety. Flames soon engulfed the truck. Crabtree required hospital treatment for his injuries.
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