Claude M. Hiser, 20, horticulturist, saved Antonio Giurdano, 35, and Tomaso Luprica, 25, laborers, from drowning, Bradner, Ohio, August 14, 1910. Hiser removed his outer clothes and shoes and swam cautiously to the men, who could not swim and were struggling in Stone Quarry Pond 20 feet from the bank where the water was over eight feet deep. Holding Giurdano, who was conscious, at arm’s length, he swam to the bank and then returned for Luprica, who had gone beneath the surface. He let himself down into the water twice without finding Luprica; then, after going to the bank and resting about half a minute, he returned and let himself down several times before he touched Luprica. Grasping him, Hiser swam to the bank with Luprica, and the latter was revived.
BRADNER — Funeral services for claude M. Hiser, 78 Caldwell Street, native of Pemberville, will be held on Wednesday at 2 p.m. in the Sage-Barndt funeral home. Burial will be in Bradner Cemetery.
Mr. Hiser had been employed by the Ohio State Construction Co., Columbus. He had served on the Bradner Board of Education and village council and served two years as president of the council.
Mr. Hiser received the Carnegie Medal for rescuing a couple from Bradner Quarry.
Surviving are his wife, the former Helen Ostrander; sons, Jack N. Toledo; Robert A. Mentor; Paul M. Whitehouse; daughters, Mrs. Tracy W. Smith, Jackass Flats, Nev., and Mrs. F. Lee Miesle, Bowling Green; brother, Ralph A. Bradner; sister, Mrs. Alvin D. Keller, Moline, and 14 grandchildren. Three daughters preceded him in death.