Clinton D. Anderson rescued Suzanne Metts from burning, Uledi, Pennsylvania, February 10, 1992. Mrs. Metts, 45, was in her two-story house when fire broke out in the basement late at night. She fled the house, but, after alerting a neighbor, Anderson, 42, business division coordinator, she re-entered to look for a pet. Mrs. Metts became disoriented in the smoke and collapsed to the floor of the kitchen. Anderson responded to the scene and, not seeing Mrs. Metts, entered an enclosed back porch and shouted for her. After she responded, Anderson entered the kitchen and, crouching, searched for her in the dense smoke. He found her, semi-conscious, in a corner of the room and picked her up and carried her from the burning house. Mrs.Metts was hospitalized overnight for smoke inhalation and burns to her feet; she recovered. Anderson also recovered from having inhaled smoke.
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