David R. Brigan saved Dennis W. Connor from drowning, Mahtowa, Minnesota, August 2, 1964. When he jumped out of a boat into Park Lake to swim 120 feet to the bank, Dennis, 12, got into difficulty in water seven feet deep. His father jumped into the water and supported Dennis, who continued to struggle. His mother’s efforts to row the boat with one oar caused the craft to move away from Dennis and his father, and she called for help as they were submerged briefly. David, 17, schoolboy, heard the calls. He swam 400 feet to near Dennis and his father, both of whom sank again. Dennis returned to the surface, flailing wildly. David swam behind Dennis and took hold of him. Beneath the surface the father grasped David’s leg, pulling him and Dennis under. Brigan released Dennis and by kicking broke the father’s hold. While under the water Dennis grasped David’s shoulder and attempted to climb onto him. David broke free of Dennis, and they surfaced. Winded and coughing from water he had swallowed, Brigan regained his hold on Dennis, towed him 40 feet, and was met by another boat. David aided Dennis aboard and then climbed into the boat, greatly fatigued. Others later recovered the body of the father.
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