Eric C. Hurst died attempting to save Jamie Christenson from drowning, Ely, Minnesota, July 30, 2002. Despite wearing two life jackets, Jamie, 17, became caught in the boil of water at the base of Upper Basswood Falls, on the Basswood River, while on a wilderness canoeing expedition with a camp group. Hurst, 24, the canoe guide for another group from the camp that was at the scene, was alerted from nearby. Also wearing two life jackets, Hurst entered the river and waded toward Jamie. He too became caught in the boil and, with Jamie, remained there for several minutes, despite efforts to free them by members of their groups and a scouting party that responded to the scene. Then propelled from the boil, Jamie and Hurst were removed from the river by the others, and resuscitation was attempted. They had drowned.
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