Eugene Farmer attempted to save Rudolph J. Crews from drowning, South Ponte Vedra, Florida, October 26, 1958. When Rudolph, 11; Farmer, 31, truck driver; and eight other men and boys attempted to set a large fishing seine in the rough surf at a beach along the Atlantic Ocean, they became caught in a very strong undercurrent and were carried away from shore. Two of the men swam back to the beach, and an unidentified man rescued five of the other victims. About 115 feet from shore, Rudolph called for help, and Farmer swam to him. Rudolph grasped Farmer about the neck and climbed onto him, causing them to be submerged briefly. The other remaining men swam to them and pulled Rudolph from Farmer. The two men attempted to swim shoreward with Rudolph but were carried to a point 500 feet out, intermittently being submerged by breakers and waves more than three feet high. They became separated. Unable to see the others, Farmer tried unsuccessfully to locate them and then swam slowly back to shore, where he collapsed on the beach. The other man became separated from Rudolph, but he and Rudolph were returned by others to shore. Rudolph and Farmer recovered. The other man could not be revived. 45075-4332
45075 – 4332