Gerald S. Cornell saved Linda J. Bazylewski, Janice M. Polloway, and Katherine L. Polloway from drowning, Sifton, Manitoba, August 8, 1965. Linda, 12, Janice,10, and Katherine, 11, who were poor swimmers, were in shallow water in Lake Dauphin and were caught by an undercurrent. They were carried away from shore and submerged several times in deep water amid waves as much as two feet high. Cornell, 39, electric system district superintendent, was attracted and ran 150 feet to the water’s edge. Because Linda already had sunk, Cornell did not delay to remove any of his clothing. He waded and swam 200 feet to near Janice and Katherine, who were struggling to stay afloat in water 10 feet deep. Cornell bumped something underwater and discovered Linda just beneath the surface. She was inert. Cornell drew her head above water, obtained a hold across her chest with one arm, and towed her 12 feet to Janice, who was almost exhausted. He took hold of Janice with his other arm and told Katherine to hold to his shoulders. Using only his legs, Cornell then swam toward shore in an upright position holding Linda and Janice and with Katherine clinging to him from behind. He towed the three girls 40 feet and found footing. By then his legs ached, and he rested briefly before wading shoreward with the girls. Others met them and aided them to the beach. Linda was revived, and all recovered. 49693-5343
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