Gerhard G. Smukal died attempting to save Elaine M. Bohlman from drowning, Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin, July 26, 1947. While swimming in an area of eddies and strong undercurrents in a channel 40 feet deep in the Wisconsin River, Mrs. Bohlman, 23, tried to return to a submerged sandbar, where the water was shallow, made little progress, and called for help. Her husband towed her a short distance but tiring left her 25 feet from the bar and swam to it. Smukal, 25, ice dealer, swam 10 feet to her, and she placed her hands on his shoulders from behind him. After towing her six feet, he tired and trod water; and at his direction his wife from the bar tried to extend a leg of a pair of trousers to him but it fell short. Mrs. Bohlman, who began sinking lower and pulling him down, voluntarily released him. Smukal swam five feet toward the trousers, suddenly sank, and did not reappear. Later a motorboat was brought near to Mrs. Bohlman, who continued to tread water in the eddy area; and after a jacket life-preserver had been thrown to her, to which she clung, a man dived from the boat and towed her to it. Mrs. Bohlman was exhausted and semiconscious but recovered. Smukal’s body was recovered two hours later. 41491-3567
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