Glenn L. Graham died attempting to rescue Tanisha L. Lowe from burning, Detroit, Michigan, April 26, 2015. Lowe, 27, was in a bedroom on the second floor of a 2.5-story house after a fire broke out at the front of the structure at night. Her great-uncle, Graham, 56, customer service representative, and a young cousin were in other bedrooms on that floor. Awakening to smoke, Graham and the cousin went to the first floor, where they found flames in the living room, near the front door. After they exited the house through a side door off the basement stairs, Graham sent the cousin to alert help and said that he was returning to aid Lowe. Graham re-entered the house through the basement door as flames quickly spread, soon engulfing the structure, causing much of it to collapse, and extending to the house next door. Firefighters found Lowe’s and Graham’s bodies in the debris.
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