Horace W. Beebe, 38, musician, saved Ella B. Williams, 19, and Lillian E., 25, and Myra R. Sauter, 19, from drowning, East Lyme, Connecticut, August 4, 1912. The young women, none of whom could swim, got into deep water in the Niantic River 40 feet from the bank, and as they struggled, they got farther out. Beebe, the only swimmer near at hand, ran 40 feet through the water and then plunged in among the young women. Miss Williams threw her arms around his neck, and he squirmed around and made confused swimming motions toward the bank. After letting down six times, he found himself in water where he could stand, but he could not climb up the sharply sloping bottom. His wife, who had waded out, reached and grasped his bathing suit, and he was then able to get up into shallower water with Miss Williams still clinging to him. Lillian had in some manner been taken along with Miss Williams, and both women stood up. Beebe then saw Myra’s hand at the surface, and, although winded and uncertain of his swimming ability, he plunged into the water, swam about 20 feet, grasped the hand, and swam to shallow water with Myra, who was unconscious. She was revived. 9909-782
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