Howard W. Moore saved May Hanney from drowning, South Norwalk, Connecticut, July 18, 1915. Miss Hanney, 21, became distressed 100 feet from shore in Long Island Sound, where the water was 10 feet deep. Moore, 26, telephone inspector and a poor swimmer, removed his coat as he ran 60 feet to shore. He ran through the water 75 feet and swam 25 feet to Miss Hanney, and, reaching under water, grasped her hair and raised her to the surface. She threw her arms around him, holding his arms to his body, and both sank. He broke her hold, and they rose to the surface. Moore then grasped Miss Hanney’s shoulder, turned her back to him, and swam 25 feet with her. A man relieved Moore in wadable water and took Miss Hanney, who was semiconscious, to shore. 15401-1416
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