Hunter M. Gaines rescued Louis A. Lemke, 41, manufacturer; Edna May Lemke, 9, and Hulda M., 36; Edna M., 13, and Carl A. Koch, 11, from a runaway, Clinton, Iowa, August 7, 1910. Horses hitched to a surrey became frightened and got beyond Lemke’s control, and they ran along a paved street. Gaines, 32, salesman, ran into the street, grasped the harness with both hands, and threw his weight against the team as he ran about 70 feet beside it. The tongue of the surrey sagged close to the ground and struck the curb. At the same time Gaines crashed against a guy wire and received injuries that disabled him 29 days. When the runaway stopped, Lemke and Mrs. Koch were thrown out and slightly injured. 5852-1090
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