Jack A. Schildan, 15, schoolboy, saved C. Diane, 3, and Grace G. Adams, 24, from burning, Portland, Oregon, September 11, 1943. Mrs. Adams and her daughter Diane and her two sons, 5 and 1, were in a bedroom at the end of a one-story frame house when Mrs. Adams was awakened and saw flames in the kitchen at the opposite end of the house. After putting her older son out of the kitchen door, which was the only door to the outside, and dropping the baby out of a window, she carried Diane two or three steps in the bedroom and then fell unconscious. From the outside and in heavy smoke Jack crawled through a window into the bedroom and groping, crawled farther in the room. Flames were faintly visible at a doorway leading into an adjoining room. He went 10 feet to Mrs. Adams and saw Diane beside her. Picking Diane up, he got to his feet, and stooping, walked to the window and handed her to a man outside. Dropping to his hands and knees, Jack took a breath and quickly crawled to Mrs. Adams and then dragged her as he backed to the window. Releasing her, he got out through the window. A man reached in and pulled Mrs. Adams out. She and Diane sustained burns but recovered. 40119-3362
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