James Herbert Newby rescued Sarah L. and Timothy R. Cunningham from burning, Knoxville, Tennessee, September 12, 1987. Sarah, 17, and her brother, Timothy, 10, were trapped inside their burning mobile home. Newby, 45, hospital department administrator, was traveling in the vicinity with others when they saw smoke and stopped to investigate. Through an opened door, from which flames issued, Newby saw Sarah in the mobile home’s living room, which was virtually engulfed. He extended himself through the doorway, grasped Sarah, and pulled her outside. Having seen Timothy on the kitchen floor, Newby again entered the mobile home, despite the blistering heat and nearby flames, and crawled to him. He grabbed Timothy and pushed him to the door, then outside to safety. Sarah and Timothy were hospitalized for severe bums. Newby was hospitalized for two weeks for first- and second-degree burns, some deep, to his hands, forearms, back, and head. He recovered.
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