James Thomas Youngell saved Donald J. Vassar and James D’Agostino from being shot, Crystal Falls, Michigan, August 28, 1973. An armed man threatened to shoot Donald, 14, and James, 10, unless Youngell, 42, salesman, provided transportation in his automobile, which he did. When the engine quit, the man, using the gun as a threat, ordered Donald and James to walk ahead of him and Youngell to walk beside him toward a parked automobile. Yelling to the boys to run, Youngell hit the man on the jaw. As Donald and James ran to safety, the man shot Youngell in the side. Youngell and the man grappled for possession of the gun. A meat cutter attempted to aid Youngell. A sheriff arrived and disarmed the man, who was taken into custody. Youngell recovered from his gunshot wound.
53571-6098James Thomas Youngell
Florence, WI