Jeffrey J. Wright, 12, schoolboy, saved Jeffrey M. Look, 13, from drowning, East Machias, Maine, July 16, 1964. While trying to swim to a raft in Gardner Lake, Look became exhausted 35 five feet from shore in water, eight feet deep. He grasped his brother, who was wearing a life belt, and they were submerged briefly several times. Wright, who already had reached the raft, dived into the water and swam 40 feet to Look as the brother broke away and swam to the raft. Look, who was flailing wildly after being submerged briefly again, grasped Wright and wrapped his legs around him, causing them to be submerged. Look released Wright under water but regained his holds when they surfaced. They were submerged briefly again. As Wright supported him at the surface, Look continued struggling. Look’s older sister rowed a boat to Wright and Look, who by then was semiconscious and had ceased to struggle. His sister held Look alongside the boat as Wright climbed into it and then rowed part way to shore. Look was pulled into the boat, and Wright rowed the rest of the way. Look recovered.
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