Jeremy Dylan McCarroll died attempting to save Amber N. Jeffers and Joseph A. Shedron from burning, Littleton, Colorado, August 3, 2008. In early morning, Jeffers, 18, and Shedron, 22, were in a bedroom on the second floor of a two-story house after fire broke out on the first floor and spread. McCarroll, 20, college student, and two other young men were spending the night in the house and awoke to flames in the living room. They fled the house to safety, McCarroll and one of the other men exiting through the front door. On hearing screaming, they re-entered through the front door, McCarroll then going to the second floor as the other man went to search the basement. Flames spread quickly, the other man sustaining extensive burns as he fled the basement. Firefighters found the bodies of Jeffers, Shedron, and McCarroll in the debris of the second-floor bedroom. All had died of smoke inhalation.
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