John Reed Helfrick, 41, lineman, attempted to save Mariano Zandri, 24, lineman, from being fatally burned, New Haven, Connecticut, March 2, 1919. Zandri was working on a metal-tipped ladder 28 feet above the ground when the ladder, which leaned against cables carrying electric current, touched an adjacent iron pole, causing an arc of great intensity. He was held to the ladder and cables by a safety belt and was almost enveloped in smoke and flames. Helfrick ascended the ladder to Zandri, whose clothing was burning, and while cables were burning and arcs were flashing, he unfastened Zandri’s belt. Helfrick descended a short distance on the ladder with Zandri holding to him, and Zandri then grasped a pole standing nearby and slid to the ground. Helfrick was slightly burned. Zandri died the following day from his burns. 19469-1685
19469 – 1685