John Reinhardt saved Caleb Bennett from drowning, Elkmont, Alabama, March 29, 2024. Bennett, 32, was struggling to swim in the frigid waters of the Elk River after his kayak overturned while fishing. Bennett attempted to swim across and exit the river, which had an estimated temperature in the low 50s, but grew tired and ultimately grasped a low-hanging tree branch that extended about 40 feet from the riverbank before firing multiple distress signal shots from a pistol he was carrying. Reinhardt, 40, information technology project manager, was exiting his truck in a nearby parking lot when he recognized the gunshots as a potential distress signal, prompting him to investigate. Reinhardt, who was with his children, ordered them to stay in the truck while he searched along the riverbank. Reinhardt spotted Bennett grasping the branch and assured him that he would help. Reinhardt then returned to his truck, called 911, and retrieved a garbage bag and duct tape, which he used to fashion a makeshift flotation device. Reinhardt returned to the riverbank with the garbage bag and his 13-year-old daughter before instructing the daughter to phone 911 again. Meanwhile, Reinhardt removed all of his clothes except his underwear and entered the water, with the garbage bag. Reinhardt then swam about 40 feet to Bennett, who was much taller and heavier. Reinhardt gave the garbage bag to Bennett and instructed him to move to Reinhardt’s back and wrap his arms around Reinhardt’s shoulders. Reinhardt then swam about 40 feet, with Bennett losing the garbage bag along the way, to an exposed cluster of roots along the riverbank. Reinhardt and Bennett clung to the roots to keep from being swept downstream until a sheriff’s department sergeant and a firefighter arrived. After several attempts, the sergeant, the firefighter, and Reinhardt used a rope and ratchet strap to hoist Bennett up the steep riverbank, where emergency personnel transported him to a hospital for treatment. Bennett received treatment for cold exposure; he recovered. Reinhardt was cold but otherwise unharmed.
2024-0000153-10480John Reinhardt
Athens, AL