Joseph Hugh West died helping to save a girl from drowning, Kure Beach, North Carolina, July 1, 2023. A girl struggled to swim amid a rip current in the Atlantic Ocean about 150
feet from shore. West, 58, retired environmental services employee, was on the beach nearby when he saw the girl and two others struggling to swim. West instructed a male friend to retrieve a life ring from a nearby aid station while he and two female friends entered the water. With conditions worsening farther from shore, one of the women was forced to exit, while West and the other woman continued swimming toward the struggling swimmers. West, the woman, and the man with the life ring reached the struggling swimmers, at which point West swam to the girl while the man and the woman assisted the other two swimmers. West reached the girl and requested the life ring, at which point one of the friends threw it to him. West successfully delivered the life ring to the girl and another man, who apparently had also swum out to the girl. Eyewitnesses on the beach indicated that West was then pulled farther from shore and out of sight. The male friend successfully swam one swimmer to shore, while responding emergency personnel assisted the remaining swimmers, including the girl, to safety. West was located minutes later facedown and unconscious beyond the sandbar by emergency personnel. He had drowned.
On Saturday July 1, Joseph Hugh West “Joe”, 58, of Sanford, NC passed away while trying to rescue a mother and two children caught in the current at Ft. Fisher.
Joe was a beloved husband, an amazing father, a loyal friend, a forever jokester and an avid outdoorsman. Hunting, fishing and picking on anyone and everyone were his passions. As his great niece Olivia described him “he was a hunter, a fisher, and a picker.” He was a member of several hunting clubs over the years. Joe was a founding member of Red Branch Hunt Club as well as a member of DC Blue, Fellowship and Federal Hunt Clubs. He loved being outdoors, he loved sharing his passion with his only daughter, Sammie, and many of the youth involved with the clubs, and his “flying monkeys “(Liam, Jack, and Brent) at Lee Christian School. Joe along with his wife Jeanne coached softball, both with Lee County Parks and Rec and at Lee Christian School for 14 years. He served as Booster Club President at Lee Christian School for several years. Joe retired in February after a 32-year career in Environmental Health, having worked in the counties of Lee, Harnett and Anson. Through his Environmental Health career, Joe met his loving wife, Jeanne, when they were in “dirt” school together. Joe was a lifelong member of Rocky Fork Christian Church where he was the “jack of all trades”. Whatever needed to be done Joe did it, that is the way he lived life every day. His was a life of service. The day he left us was supposed to be a day enjoying one of his favorite things, fishing with family and friends. However, in true Joe fashion, he saw people in need and jumped in to help, never worrying about himself.
Joe was a kind and gentle man that never met a stranger. Joe impacted so many lives, from the hunting clubs to the kids he mentored and/or coached. Joe was the kind of man who seemed to know everyone. He was a hero to many long before he selflessly gave his life trying to save complete strangers.
He is survived by his loving wife of 29 years, Jeanne Riddick West; daughter, Sammie Jo Godfrey and husband Brent Godfrey of Cameron; Parents: Fred & Helen West of Sanford; Brother John West (Karen) of Sanford; Brother in Law: Eugene Riddick of Blanch NC; Nephews: Brad Byrd (Jennifer), Brian Byrd (Dina), Jordan West, and Alan Riddick; Niece: Kelli Rosser (Brad); great nephews: Dylan, Aiden, Ethan; great nieces: Gracie, Callie, Olivia, Emma, Charli as well as beloved cousins, and dear friends.