Justin Michael Reed helped to save Jennifer Torres from drowning, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, May 25, 2011. Torres, 18, fell into the Delaware River from a pier along the bank and was quickly carried away by a strong tidal current. A male friend who was present jumped into the river from the pier after her and reached her, but they became separated and Torres was swept farther away. Reed, 29, teacher, and a friend were arriving at the pier to fish about then and were alerted to the situation. Reed partially disrobed, jumped into the water from the pier, and swam about 180 feet to Torres. He positioned her on her back and started to swim to the bank with her, but she struggled against him en route, submerging him. Reed’s friend had left the pier and reached a point on the bank opposite Reed and Torres. He entered the water, swam to them, and aided them to safety. Reed was tired and cold, but he recovered. Torres’s friend drowned.
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