Kenneth H. Gilders helped to save Earl C. Chaffe and saved Elmer H. Dellow from burning, Sarnia, Ontario, December 16, 1976. In a highway accident, fire broke out at the rear end of a two-door automobile containing Chaffe, 23, and Dellow, 68. Gilders, 35, firefighter, ran to the vehicle, the rear-seat compartment of which was filled with flames, and pulled Chaffe halfway through a window opening. Others then removed Chaffe while Gilders made his way to the opposite side of the vehicle, on which flames were spreading on both the interior and the exterior. Twice extending his upper body into the front-seat section, Gilders cut the seat belt that held Dellow. He then pulled Dellow through the window opening and carried him away from the automobile shortly before an explosion filled the vehicle with flames. Chaffe and Dellow recovered from minor injuries sustained in the accident. 56131-6327
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