Kortnie Balls rescued Richard G. Sergi from burning, Pocatello, Idaho, March 23, 2022. Sergi, 76, was inside his mobile home when flames broke out in the bedroom. Balls, 25, delivery driver, stopped at the scene, where she saw flames extending outside through a broken bedroom window. A man on the front porch opened the door there, and black smoke issued from it. The man, who entered the home but retreated due to smoke, told Balls that Sergi was inside. Balls crawled inside, where dense, black smoke hung from the ceiling to about 1 foot off the floor, precluding visibility, and oxygen bottles exploded at the rear of the trailer. Balls crawled to Sergi, who was conscious but badly burned. Balls grasped his hand and, crouching, moved backward and pulled Sergi, who was much heavier than her, to the front door, where flames shot outside through the top of the doorway above their heads. Balls was able to get Sergi’s upper body over the door’s threshold, then was assisted by another man in getting Sergi fully outside and onto the porch. Others arrived and moved Sergi away from the home, which was shortly engulfed by flames. Sergi inhaled smoke and suffered burns to his arms, hand, and torso. He died the next day of his injuries. Balls inhaled smoke; she recovered.
92356-10353Kortnie Balls
Pocatello, ID