Leslie Joseph Staniowski died after saving Kensen Lee from assault, Las Vegas, Nevada, April 1, 2004. Lee, 45, was at work as a casino bartender when a man approached the bar, produced a loaded handgun, and shot at him repeatedly at close range. Not hit, Lee went to the floor behind the bar. Seated at the bar next to the assailant, Staniowski, 51, cab driver, yelled at the assailant, then jumped from his seat, grabbed the assailant around the neck with his left arm, and pulled on him. The assailant shot Staniowski in the chest, then shot him again, in the back, as he lay on the floor. The assailant walked out of the casino but was shortly dispatched by police officers who had been nearby. Staniowski was taken to the hospital, where he died of his wounds.
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