Mark Boyd saved Theresa M. Keenum from burning, Erie, Pennsylvania, June 8, 1993. Ms. Keenum, 61, lay unconscious in the bathroom on the second floor of her house after fire erupted in another room on the floor and filled the floor with smoke. Her son-in-law, Boyd, 35, a mechanic who lived next door, saw smoke issuing from Ms. Keenum’s house and went to the scene. He entered the house and, on a first rescue attempt, went partway up the stairs but was repulsed by the thick smoke and returned to the first floor. He went up the stairs a second time, then crawled through the smoke, which precluded visibility, to the bathroom. He found Ms. Keenum on the floor of that room, then seized her and crawling backward, dragged her to the top of the stairs and partway down. He ten stood and carried Ms. Keenum from the house. Both suffered smoke inhalation and were admitted to the hospital, where Boyd was detained for two days. They recovered. 67925-7827
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