Mark Raymond Lowenthal attempted to save Caryn McVoy from drowning, Kahalui, Hawaii, January 10, 1985. Miss McVoy, 31, was windsurfing off Kanaha Beach when she was blown a half-mile out to sea. Lowenthal, 41, educational analyst, paddled a 14-foot ocean kayak out to her even though he was unskilled in its use. He attempted to tow Miss McVoy on her windsurfing board, but it collided with the kayak, which capsized and ultimately sank. Separated from Miss McVoy and pulled farther out to sea as darkness fell, Lowenthal was adrift for more than three hours before he was able to make his way back to shore. Miss McVoy was rescued by others. Lowenthal was treated for minor injuries, and he fully recovered.
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