Martin Henry Pickle helped to save Kathryn A. Hawley from drowning, Gasquet, California, January 7, 1975. A small sedan containing Mrs. Hawley, 25, a non-swimmer, plunged into the Smith River and, 40 feet from the bank, became lodged on a boulder in a strong midstream current that caused the vehicle to rock slightly. Among those attracted to the scene was Pickle, 29, logger. After a rope with a chain at the end had been thrown to a position attached to the sedan and then anchored on the bank, Pickle, with a second rope around him and held by other men, entered the cold water. Making his way along the automobile rope, he reached the vehicle. A third rope was thrown to the sedan; and Pickle aided Mrs. Hawley in tying it around her. Pickle then lost his hold and was swept away from the sedan but was pulled to safety as others pulled Mrs. Hawley to the bank. 54373-6153
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