Matthew Alan Gibson saved Gabriel L. Barlow from effects of falling, Slade, Kentucky, July 27, 1996. Barlow, 18, was rappelling from Grays Arch, a 50-foot-high natural bridge in the Red River Gorge, when he lost his grip on the rope, sending him into free fall. A member of his party, Gibson, 23, college student, was nearby on the ground. An experienced climber, Gibson moved to a point under Barlow to effect rappelling techniques that would slow or stop his descent. Barlow, who outweighed Gibson by 50 pounds, struck Gibson, then deflected to the ground. He strained a muscle in his back and received second- and third-degree rope burns to his hands. He recovered. Gibson, who was knocked to the ground, was hospitalized for having sustained severe fractures to his left shoulder that required surgery and rehabilitation.
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