Michael S. Lukon helped to save Patrick J. Toomey from drowning, New Alexandria, Pennsylvania, January 8, 1976. Toomey, 30, was walking on an ice-covered lake when he broke through 120 feet from the bank and, unable to get out, shouted for help. Lukon, 26, laboratory assistant, heard Toomey’s calls and notified a state park superintendent, who took three life buoys to the lake. Lukon, who could not swim, and the superintendent walked halfway to Toomey, threw him a buoy, and began pulling on the attached line. The ice gave way under the two men. The superintendent got out, supported Lukon until a youth had thrown him a buoy, and then returned to the bank. By means of the two buoys, the superintendent and the youth pulled Toomey and Lukon in tandem to the bank.
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