Neil A. and Anna G. Swayze rescued Steven B. Collier from burning, Mount St. Patrick, Ontario, July 30, 1976. In an automobile accident, flames broke out inside a van in which Collier, 34, was pinned by the legs. Swayze, 50, meat cutter, and his wife, 45, arrived and, despite intense heat, attempted without success to pull Collier free. As the flames increased, the Swayzes individually reached into the burning cab and, using a pole, tried to pry away the dashboard that held Collier. Together, Swayze and his wife then pulled forcibly on Collier and succeeded in removing him from the van, which soon afterward was totally filled with flames. All three persons sustained burns but only Collier required hospitalization.
55992-6301Neil A. And Anna G. Swayze
Renfrew, ON