Nelson O. Tryon rescued L. Dankmar Weil, Jr., and Susan Weil from burning, Stony Creek, Connecticut, June 6, 1941. Dankmar, 13, and his sister Susan, 11, were in the cabin of a launch that was moored at a float in Long Island Sound. There was an explosion in the launch; and a burst of flame entered the cabin, burned the children seriously, and ignited their clothing. Tryon, 33, aircraft engine tester, jumped from the float onto the launch, entered the cabin, in which there was considerable heat, and went to Dankmar. He carried Dankmar and then Susan to the doorway, handed them to another man, got out of the cabin, and patted smoldering fire on Susan’s clothing. They then got onto the float. Flames spread in the launch, and within 20 minutes there were two other explosions. Dankmar died three months later, as a result of burns. Susan sustained burns on her head, legs, and hands. Tryon sustained severe burns on his hands, wrist, and face and was disabled for six weeks.
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