Orville F. Baughman, 49, tinner, died as the result of saving Arthur W. Detrick, 36, physician, from burning, New Carlisle, Ohio, January 20, 1915. Baughman, Detrick, and other men were in a machine shop when gasoline in an open vessel caught fire. Detrick’s hair, face, and neck were burned, and his clothes caught fire. He became dazed and fell to the floor, with flames between him and the door. All the other men escaped, but some were more or less burned. Baughman re-entered the shop through fire to find his sons, not knowing they had escaped. He found Detrick, aroused him, and helped him to a window. Baughman’s clothes were burning, and he urged Detrick, who was slow getting through the window, to hurry. Baughman’s sons helped Detrick and then their father through. Both were badly burned. Detrick recovered, but Baughman died of his injuries four days later. 14382-1177
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