Robert Anthony Phillips died attempting to rescue Sharon M. Waters from assault, Thomasville, Georgia, December 3, 2000. Ms. Waters, 44, was staying at the home of her son, Phillips, 24, mechanic, when her estranged husband broke into the house at night while its occupants were asleep. He entered Ms. Waters’s bedroom, closed and locked the door, then pointed a loaded gun at her. Ms. Waters awoke and screamed for help. Awakened by her screams, Phillips and his wife exited their bedroom. While his wife fled the house and called for help, Phillips went to his mother’s bedroom, broke down the door, and, entering the room, struggled against the assailant. The assailant shot Phillips repeatedly, mortally wounding him, then abducted Ms. Waters. Several hours later the assailant released Ms. Waters, then shot and killed himself.
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